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Raw material quality

powered by today
We offer engineering ceramics, advanced ceramics & industrial ceramics in highest precision.
It is preferably used for the production of tubular or elongated molded bodies with a wide variety of cross-sectional profiles.

TechnoKer becomes sustainable and climate-neutral
Sustainability and climate neutrality are two goals whose achievement is very important to TechnoKer. We already use only biogas from the region for our thermal afterburning. We already cover a large part of our electricity requirements via our PV system.

"I think it has become clear to many since the beginning of the Ukraine crisis at the latest that we can no longer continue to do business as before. We can't keep doing business at the expense of nature, we have to incorporate the idea of sustainability in all our economic actions."
Managing Director
Siegfried Meisel
"Our claim is 100% customer satisfaction - every day! Therefore, our clearly defined goal is to achieve a 0-defect tolerance as efficiently as possible. Because on the one hand, we benefit from this as developers and manufacturers, and on the other hand, our customers benefit most of all."

Helping to shape the future with sustainable processes
Energy efficient
The continuous optimization of our processes helps us to produce energy-efficiently.
Solar energy
The increased integration of renewable energies should ensure us stability in terms of production and costing in the future.
Environmentally friendly
One of our core tasks in the future will be to sustainably optimize particularly energy-intensive processes.
Raw material recycling
An in-house developed raw material recycling process allows us to reintroduce both production waste and product output into the production cycle without any loss of quality.